Personnel of the CRPF should not air personal issues on social media. Deputy Director General S L Thaosen

The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has published social media guidelines for its personnel. Director General (CRPF) S L Thaosen’s guidelines include instructions to refrain from airing personal grievances, from writing or posting anything out of anger, spite, or under the influence of alcohol, from sharing classified information, and from disclosing exact posting and nature of work if assigned to a sensitive department.

The order dated January 13, issued by IG (int) with the consent of DG Thaosen, stated that it has come to the attention of the organisation that its workers are using social media platforms to air personal issues, which violates the Central Civil Services(Conduct) rules, 1964. It could result in disciplinary action, as social networking sites are not appropriate for discussing issues or complaints. The personnel may, if necessary, present their complaints on institutional channels.

The order states, “Do not share classified information obtained through official channels or otherwise, do not reveal exact posting and nature of work if you are posted in a sensitive ministry/department/organization, do not provide personal information that scam artists or identity thieves could use, and do nothing on your internet social networking that could harm the reputation of the government or your own.”

The order adds, “Personnel of CRPF should not use the government emblem, insignia, etc. in social media posts; they should not comment negatively on government policies or make political/religious statements in any public forum; and they should not use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conduct unbecoming of a government servant.”

“Do not comment on controversial, sensitive, or political matters that may come back to haunt you. They should not post anything through a non-authorized platform, even if it is unclassified or innocuous, such as manpower issues, promotions, local orders, etc., which may allow adversaries to gather intelligence. Do not write or post anything out of anger, spite, or under the influence of alcohol. Do not bully or discriminate against anyone online,” it states.

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