Prime Minister calls for collective action against climate change

Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated in a video message at a World Bank event on climate change that combating climate change is not only the responsibility of the government but also of each individual.

Addressing the global event titled ‘Making it Personal: How Behavioural Change Can Tackle Climate Change,’ Prime Minister Modi emphasised the significance of minor actions and stated, “We believe that individuals making the right decisions for our planet are essential in the fight for our planet. This is Mission LiFE’s raison d’être.”

Regarding ‘Mission LiFE,’ the Prime Minister stated that he addressed the need for behavioural change at the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 and that he and the UN Secretary General inaugurated the mission in October 2022. He added that the preamble to the COP 27 outcome document includes references to sustainable lifestyle and consumption.

“Climate change cannot be combated solely at conference tables. It must be fought from every family’s supper table. When an idea reaches supper tables, it becomes a mass movement. Making every family and every person aware that their decisions can benefit the environment can provide scale and pace. Mission LiFE aims to democratise the fight against global warming. According to the Prime Minister, when people realise that basic actions in their daily lives can have a significant impact, the environment will benefit tremendously.

Modi noted that a number of mass movements had taken place in the country over the past few years, resulting in an improved sex ratio, massive cleanliness drives, the adoption of LED bulbs, which prevent nearly 39 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually, and the conservation of water through the micro-irrigation of nearly 700,000 hectares of farmland.

The Prime Minister stated that under ‘Mission LiFE,’ the government’s efforts are distributed across many domains, including making local governments environmentally friendly, conserving water and energy, reducing waste and e-waste, adopting healthy lifestyles, natural farming, and promoting millets.

According to him, these efforts will save over 22 billion units of energy, nine trillion litres of water, reduce waste by 375 million tonnes, recycle nearly one million tonnes of e-waste, and generate additional cost savings of approximately 170 million dollars by 2030.

The Prime Minister also stated that international institutions play a vital role in encouraging nations worldwide.

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