The Education Minister of Karnataka, BC Nagesh, has launched a new portal and announced several new benefits for teachers

A portal launched by Karnataka School Education Minister BC Nagesh on Thursday provides a collaborative view and insight into the performance and progress of the education department.

It is possible to access multiple departmental IT systems through this web portal, which are used by different wings/ divisions of the department. As part of its functionality, the portal also collects relevant information from a variety of IT systems currently in use by the department.

As a result of the portal, the education department aims to be more transparent. At the event’s launch, Nagesh mentioned that teachers, students, and ordinary citizens can address their grievances related to the education department and flag issues that sometimes do not reach the level of the ministry.”

An important feature of the web portal is its dashboard page, which provides information and brief details on the number of schools, the number of teachers, the day-to-day consolidated online attendance of students in the state, the number of mid-day meals consumed on a daily basis, and the number of beneficiaries of the free textbook program.

By setting deadlines, the minister may also issue instructions to the relevant officers online and request clarification from them. There is also a facility to drill down to view statistical information about educational district-level and block-level details on the portal pertaining to schools, such as school counts, school infrastructure, school facilities, and number of teachers in the department.

Additionally, the database contains information regarding the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) board examination, including overall results, pass rates, school-specific results, gender-specific results, social category-specific results, area-specific results (urban/rural) and medium-specific results.

The Karnataka State Teachers Benefit Fund has also launched an online service. The initiative includes eight modules, including the issuance of life membership cards, receipts and payments, accidental death assistance to teachers and students, financial assistance to teachers for their children’s higher studies (Rs 2,000, Rs 3000 or Rs 5000) and merit scholarships (Rs 2,000, Rs 3,000, Rs 4,000 or Rs 6,000), family maintenance assistance to the dependants of deceased teachers’ families and professional education scholarships to students.

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