Why do I have black spots on my tongue?

The black spots that appear on the tongue are called black hairy tongue. They are elongated papillae that contain keratin and appear darkened and elongated.

What causes black hairy tongue?

What are the symptoms?

Is black hairy tongue harmful?

Black hairy tongue is harmless and isn’t related to cancer. But it can be uncomfortable and unappealing. Proper oral hygiene helps get rid of the darkened papillae.

When to see a doctor

Consult your doctor if the condition doesn’t go away with brushing or scraping. Seek medical care if you have significant discomfort or if it’s interfering with swallowing or speech.

How can I prevent and treat it?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is key to preventing and treating black hairy tongue. Proper brushing and scraping helps remove the discolored papillae.

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