Why is my stomach bigger after gallbladder surgery?

Many patients notice that their stomach looks bloated or bigger after having their gallbladder removed. This is a common side effect that can last for weeks or months after the surgery. Understanding why this happens and how to minimize it can help patients recover more comfortably.

Reasons for Abdominal Swelling After Gallbladder Surgery

Gas and Bloating

With the gallbladder gone, bile flows more freely into the small intestine. This can cause indigestion, gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. The surgery also disrupts the digestive process, leading to temporary issues that cause a swollen tummy.

Incisional Swelling

Swollen intestines and abdominal tissue near the surgical incisions can cause the belly to protrude. This swelling around the wounds will improve as they heal.

Fatty Food Intolerance

The gallbladder released bile to help digest fatty foods. Without it, the body struggles to break down fats, resulting in tummy troubles. Eating fatty or greasy foods can trigger pain, diarrhea, gas and abdominal distention.


Some patients experience constipation after surgery due to anesthesia side effects, dehydration, and medication use. Constipation causes bloating and discomfort as stool moves slowly through the intestines.

Excess Gas Production

Bile helps digest and absorb fats. With the gallbladder gone, undigested fats can get to the large intestine and cause gas production and bloating. This improves over time as the digestive system adjusts.

Tips to Reduce Swelling in the Abdomen

Here are some tips to help minimize abdominal bloating as you recover:

When to See Your Doctor

Call your surgeon if you have:

Mild bloating and swelling is normal during recovery. But contact your healthcare provider if symptoms do not start to improve.


It is common for the stomach to appear bloated or distended after gallbladder removal surgery. Factors like gas, constipation, incision swelling and fatty food intolerance contribute to this temporary side effect. Making diet changes, using over-the-counter aids, exercising, and giving it time will help reduce abdominal swelling and bloating. Speak to your doctor if swelling lasts longer than 2 weeks or you have other concerning symptoms. With proper care, the abdomen should return to normal size eventually as the body adjusts to life without the gallbladder.

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